Friday, April 4, 2014

Joke of the day

What a joke! 
Last minute MIA and have to change my plan initially going to Hanoi to Bangkok.
Well, at least I still got my last last minute air ticket from tour agency and still able to continue my short getaway vacation. 
All thanks to that irresponsible chap! 

Thursday, April 3, 2014


Goodbye Singapore! 
Hanoi here I come! I will back on next Monday. 
A short vacation at this time may be good for me to clear my unhappiness.

Starting Afresh

It has been a tiring and exhausted journey. 
Eventually, I lost the battle. 
I lost everything I had. 
It's really painful, but I know things would get better in future. 
It is not easy to start all over again but if I am willing to give my best, I know I can.